Hello! I am Noah Stasuik. I have experience in full-stack development and a passion for solving technical problems. I placed 1st in BC Hacks (2022) and in the 24-Hour Startup competition at Canada’s Farm Show (2023) along with my teams. Check out my site - I’d love to connect!

Traffic Jam Game | Nov/Dec 2019

This was a final project for a grade 11 computer science course. By using HTML/CSS and JavaScript I made a game called Traffic Jam, that can be played on this website.

Zero Carbon Ecosystem | February 2022

BC-HACKS 2022, 1st place project, with a goal of minimizing carbon emissions. The project consisted of a website, chrome extension and working cryptocurrency. My contributions included the development of the website and pieces of the chrome extension. 

iSPI (Soil Productivity Index) | June 2022

Canada’s Farm Show - 24 Hour Startup competition, 2nd place. The goal of this project was to assign a soil productivity index to any piece of land in Saskatchewan. The project used API's and a frontend interface to develop a soil score for any piece of land in Saskatchewan based on coordinates.

This Website | July 2022-Present

This website is my latest project with the purpose of showcasing my technological journey and accomplishments along the way! You can find my projects, CV and contact information here. 

PAVE (P2P Digital Banking Platform) | November 2022

PAVE is a P2P Digital Banking Platform that my team developed as a part of BCHacks 4.0. In the process we made a React webapp and a mobile app using Android Studio with the goal of giving people more control over thier money.

DATA / COSC 301 Data Analysis Project | Sept 2022 - Dec 2022

In this Data Analysis Project me and my group explored how various socio-economic factors affected students grades on standardized testing using Python, Pandas, Seaborn and Tableau. Through it all we made some interesting discoveries and learned how to perfrom a thorough data analysis with Python!

Project (Coming Soon!) | Future

I have future plans for hackathon, personal portfolio projects and course projects that will added to my website as I complete them!

Project (Coming Soon!) | Future

I have future plans for hackathon, personal portfolio projects and course projects that will added to my website as I complete them!

Project (Coming Soon!) | Future

I have future plans for hackathon, personal portfolio projects and course projects that will added to my website as I complete them!

Project (Coming Soon!) | Future

I have future plans for hackathon, personal portfolio projects and course projects that will added to my website as I complete them!

Project (Coming Soon!) | Future

I have future plans for hackathon, personal portfolio projects and course projects that will added to my website as I complete them!

What I bring to Any Team

Full-Stack Development

I have experience in full-stack development with significant java/python backend knowledge, combined with angular front-end experience


Through leading university and hackathon projects, volunteering and now my newest venture as a Senior Residence Advisor at UBC I continue to grow my leadership skills

An Agile Mindset

I have experience working in an Agile environment, using agile/scrum methodologies throughout multiple internship terms - an essential asset in many development roles